Managed by expert IP professionals, Intellects Link Up a 100% PhD holders team from all domains provides Indian IP Analytical and Service We assists and encourages innovators, entrepreneurs and research of academic institutions; research hubs to improve Innovation, Entrepreneurship; IP(Research) output by providing tailor—made IP solutions that are provided under rigorous quality; security measures ensuring complete confidentiality; excellent performance.
We critically evaluate by considering a reverse engineering process to find out research solutions by understanding previous similar research if any what has been invented. Accordingly we decide to Design & Drafting Support Services.
Drafting of patent application, Trademark designing (Logo); other services like drawing preparations, proofreading ,etc
Total assistance provided during the registration process of IP filing through our association of affiliated patent agents, attorneys & lawyers.
Proficient in organizing interactive activities like Innovation Camps, IP Conferences,
Being diligent supporters of IP, we generally conduct pro bono once—a—month awareness sessions in IP in academic & research hubs across India